General Information
Due to the coronavirus outbreak we have temporarily moved our classes and courses online.
We are using a combination of live streaming with Zoom and pre-recorded classes on YouTube. It says on the booking page whether a class is pre-recorded or a live-stream event.
What Happens When I Book?
Once you have booked an event, you should receive a confirmation email from us with a link to join your class or course.
Since this confirmation email is automatically generated, it should arrive promptly.
If you don’t receive it, please check your Spam folder first before contacting us at
To provide you with access to your exclusive video, we will need the email address you use to sign into YouTube. If you haven’t already provided us with this, please send it to us at
The video will be available 10 minutes before the class start time and the link will expire 3 hours later.
You will need to download the Zoom application (just the free version) onto your device and then sign into Zoom. Our confimation email will contain a link that allows you to register for the Zoom live-stream event. After registering, you will receive an email from Zoom that will direct you to the event itself.
NB Some emails from Zoom have taken some time to arrive so please register well in advance.
You can sign into Zoom 10 minutes before the teaching is due to begin.
The Zoom software allows you to interact with us if you have comments or questions, using the ‘Chat’ or ‘Q&A’ functionality so please become acquainted with these before the event starts.
It sounds a little complicated but with some practice and patience, it’s quite straightforward.
As the class is being streamed live, you will not be able to access the class after it has ended.
How to Get the Best from the Online Classes and Courses
1. Ensure you have a stable internet connection, preferably wired. If you need to use wifi, we recommend you reduce the amount of people streaming or gaming in your household.
2. Use speakers or headphones for good quality of sound.
3. Turn off any phones or other alerts on your device that may interrupt you.
4. Try and find a quiet space in your house where you will not be disturbed – if you live with others, let them know not to disturb you.
5. Close all other windows and applications on your computer, tablet or phone.
6. Sign into the event 5 – 10 minutes before it is due to start so that you have time to check your equipment eg ensure your device is connected to the internet and that the volume settings are comfortable for you.
7. You may want to have a notebook and pen to hand so that you can take notes.
8. Enjoy the event!